SaveMe Is Not The Topic???

Vrelder: We cry from morning to late night over LEA:((

PatriciaAnne Daviau: ahhhh it will be ok… there are a ton of other places out there

Daark Gothly: So no more art instillations?

PatriciaAnne Daviau: Not through the LEA as it is now. I think LEA needs to be reorg’d and a fresh new program emerge.

Josef K : It shouldn’t be that hard to keep LEA running as the current LEA Committee has no jurisdiction to shut LEA down.

According to the LEA Bylaws there must be at least 7 members in the LEA Committee:

– 4.1.1 There will be a maximum of eleven (11) and a minimum of seven (7) Committee Members once the number goes below seven (7) elections will take place.

However, for more than 2 year by now there has been less than the required 7 members in the LEA Committee. In spite of that the LEA Committee keeps making decisions that effects the art scene and the art community in Second Life.

And there is also a problem with several members of the LEA Committee.

According to the LEA Bylaws the term for a Committee member is 2 years. And a Committe member may serve up to 2 terms:

– 5.1.5 Term for Committee Members shall be 2 years (commencing with the ratification of these bylaws).

– 5.1.6 Committee Members may serve up to 2 terms.

However, 3 members of the LEA Committee have by far exceeded that condition. One

Committee member has had a seat for more than 8 continuously years by now.

Hence, every decision the LEA Committee has made for the last many years have been a violation of the LEA Bylaws as the committee itself is illegal according to their own Bylaws.

The current LEA Committee just have to step down and let a new committee take over in order to keep LEA alive.

PatriciaAnne Daviau: oh good grief Josef… give it a rest… those bylaws were changed years ago

Josef K: PatriciaAnne … you and the rest of the LEA Committee fucked LEA up, and now you are trying to save your butts by closing LEA down, Just leave the Committee and let a new take over

Vrelder: you have made a great job Patricia:)))

Vihmakass: i think Patricia was the only one who actually worked

PatriciaAnne Daviau: Josef we never did any such thing… all we tried to do is support the arts in SL with grants that were given to us by LL

Josef K: How come you didn’t elect new members when the old members left LEA

PatriciaAnne Daviau: why didn’t you come to us and offer your services?

Josef K: I did that 4 years ago and got ejected from your Facebook page and my questions to the committee got neglected

PatriciaAnne Daviau: we thought by stepping down a new and improved LEA would rise. With all the animosity held against the old …a complete revamp was needed

Tansee: Riannah and I I have an announcement to make later tonight

PatriciaAnne Daviau: be part of the solution instead of bitching about the past

Josef K: The current LEA Committee treated LEA as their own property without regards for the art. That’s what killed LEA.

PatriciaAnne Daviau: oh that is such total crap Josef

1Earthling Rang: No matter who is on the committee there will always be those who disagree with their decisions and even some who will abuse them over those decisions.

Josef K : It’s the truth Patricia. Look how few members you are now. You wouldn’t let new forces into the committee

1Earthling Rang: we all see things differently and if you cannot be reasonable in how you say your views there is no place for you

PatriciaAnne Daviau: that’s crap too Josef. we asked several to join but they didn’t want to give up the right to have grants by joining

Vrelder: it’s what i said, the LEA was attacked

Josef K: You and the other committee members killed LEA. And that will forever be your legacy

JMB Balogh: For quite a while it was obvious to the Committee that the LEA program as such was slowly dying. Applications for grants were way down and there were complaints that LEA had become boring and predictable. The committee had shrunk in numbers and giving up the right to apply for a grant made becoming a member a non starter for many good people. We spend months discussing it amongst ourselves and in meetings with LL. We concluded that it was not fixable within the current framework and that the only way forward was to step down and let a new group of people with NEW INNOVATIVE IDEAS take it forward. Basically for LEA version II to be started from scratch again, just as it was in 2010. So that’s what we did. We stepped down and left it with LL. I’m sure that LL would be happy to provide the regions again if some of you can come up with a solid proposal for promoting the Arts in Second Life and be willing to run it because it is takes work, a lot of work, trust me on that. It’s a labour of love because it is not paid work. In those years since 2010 Art in SL has changed dramatically and will continue to do so. ” read and digest

PatriciaAnne Daviau: I don’t buy that for one minute that my legacy is that I ran it into the ground… so say what you want…I am very proud of the work I did with and for LEA

Josef K : What work? The LEA Committee turned LEA into a Freemasonry. Everything happened behinds closed doors. A little transparency might have done the job – just like I suggested 4 years ago.

Vrelder: Josef what do you participate with? Did you then discus this matter in this group?

Josef K: I have actually suggested names for a new Committee to Tansee who is trying to save LEA

Vrelder: you mean SaveMe Oh then?

Josef K: No actually not

Mario2 Helstein: LEA has been an incredible site, it hurts that it comes to an end, the committee has always been excellent, it is difficult to be perfect for critics, but it will be difficult to do something similar again these days.

Static Melody: there must be some more to this story

Vrelder: yes SaveMe Oh, I think who have done this for several event’s in LEA and attacked this LEA Committee member many times at SaveMe Oh sites

Josef K: A very special LEA Committee member (Solo Mornington didn’t like SaveMe … so he even used me and my party to get to her. Not very flattering for someone in the LEA Committee

Vrelder: yes at it is allowed to destroy for many builders in LEA, just for the art of bullying? but not at your place? ou support SaveMe Oh s kind of art?

Josef K: He was mad at SaveMe and used me to get to her, that is an unforgivable action

Vrelder: yes then you should know how many have been angry and sad at LEA wit SMO showing up

Josef K: SaveMe has been banned from LEA for years

Vrelder: Yes otherwise LEA have been closed many years ago and she need to be Banned even for the next Linden Endowment: otherwise it will not live for long

Josef K: But why discuss SaveMe when it’s LEA and the way the LEA Committee runs it that is the question

Tansee: we will be having an all new committee and there are some new people that already have reached out to me to put their names in

Josef K: I wish I had the time to help more, Tansee. But I am already since 11 years a board member in the association for rhythmic music in my hometown. An association where I have to justify in front of the annual general meeting why I should be elected for a new term. That’s the kind of democracy that lacked in the old LEA Committee.

Vrelder: who would you think wanted be a member of LEA comity when it was under attack by SaveMe Oh and her followers, maybe his followers then, you Josef?

Josef K): As I said before … SaveMe is not the topic now and she has been banned for years so problem solved

Vrelder: Yes she is a topic, it’s not you who decide what topic is needed here

Josef K: Well, the thread started (not by me) about the shut down of LEA … so it kind of is the topic … not SaveMe

Tansee: I have a topic: The Save LEA group!

Save Lea. Whatโ€™s in a name?

Trolled To Death?

Thoughts at a dying SIM

Sniper Siemens: Keep your avatar safe. SL could be very dangerous

Maan Nacht: LEA would love to have snitch snipers like you, that’s why they close. Not because art lovers, but power freaks like the snipers of this world

Sniper Siemens: Lol… You don’t know LEA and you don’t know anything about me. Resign yourself … you have not won anything.. -)

Maan Nacht: Ask LEA, CARP, PIRATS etc. if SaveMe Oh hasn’t won anything

Sniper Siemens: lol…. you are almost comical

Maan Nacht: Not being comic is a thing that killed LEA too, they had no sense of humor and took the desperate prim gluers so serious

Peet Auer: lol Maan ^^ .. SaveMe? can you say what you want … she does not listen everthing. All are bad and many more xxD … all the world are bad xxD

Wrennoir Cerise: Speaking from my own experience: I never ever EVER knew anyone on the LEA committee but was awarded a sim and did an exhibit for 3 months. I didn’t have much contact with the committee other than submitting my application and being accepted. I thought it was wonderful that Linden Labs has sims set aside for artists to exhibit for free. Not sure what the post is all about, though, as it was a bit tongue-in-cheek. Will there still be sims available for artists? If not, that is a real loss to the community. Maybe what needed to change was the committee structure if it was not good as it stood

Sniper Siemens: LEA is part of a cycle. Every cycle begins and ends but I see that fools remain forever … maybe …

Maan Nacht: If a committee’s only business is bans, regulation and exclusion, art is not served.

Wrennoir Cerise: but have the sims been pulled by Linden Labs then? Would not a more reasonable way to handle things be to view the committee and possibly elect a new one that is not elected for life?

Peet Auer: It’s about the rules of LL and if you do not keep it, you have a problem.

Sniper Siemens: Disturbing people is not art. that’s rudeness and bullying. This is what you SaveMe does.

Maan Nacht: Only the ones licking the ass of the committee are rewarded, artwhores.

Wrennoir Cerise: Okay, looks like people just want to gripe a bit ๐Ÿ™‚

Peet Auer: You’re right. I know the lady and she provokes only. Something is not art!

Wyzard Merlin: haha ^^ and yeah once again one bigot takes out a great program and 20 sims bravo, stands and claps. long live the SL \m/

Maan Nacht: Peet, you are a loved licker

Wrennoir Cerise: This is what I am asking.. are the sims gone then? Isn’t that a bit like ‘throwing out the baby with the bath water” mentality? Seems a bit over the top dramatic

Maan Nacht: They are wiped out

Peet Auer: I like your neutral work … but not when it comes to insults and you hurt the TOS of LL! That’s not okay !!!!! Thats not art !!!

Sniper Siemens: She’s just a poor girl … lol

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Peet please tell me the ultimate definition of art

Peet Auer: There is not any! But insults of all kinds are not included !!!

Maan Nacht: Peet doesn’t know anything about art, he just opens up a window and let it pour. No matter what is on offer as long he scores viewers its ok

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Ok so you say this is not art?

Wrennoir Cerise: Who is insulting? And isn’t it a loss that now we don’t have sims? Really, shouldn’t the committee have been the only one to remove if that was the issue? Do you think it will be easy to get 20 free full sims back?

Maan Nacht: The committee should have been removed a long time ago, you are right. They were completely incompetent, They had the curator disease. People who find themselves more important than the artist

Wrennoir Cerise: Is there only one other person here who thinks getting rid of the sims was not over the top???!!

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Wren there are plenty of boring sims in SL owned by good people who love to see art on it. You could try to be nice and social

Maan Nacht: And refuse to have snipers also helps

Wrennoir Cerise: I get that Eif, but then you are relying on asking people and not having a cohesive system, no? (were you suggesting I try to be nice and social? Sorry, wasn’t sure)

Lorin Tone: I was unaware of this, so LEA is no more?

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Yes i like this way of doing art, adding to existing instead of claiming a whole sim. I think collaboration is key in SL less ego mania is healthy. and to decorate a whole sim is just full on ego meme

Lorin Tone: Well, I certainly enjoyed many collaborations at LEA.

Eifachfilm Vacirca: As i said there are plenty of lovle people owning sims open for colab in arts

Lorin Tone: I saw the SaveMe link…..that person really needs to find a hobby.

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I think that person is not even worth a thought

Lorin Tone: We agree on that, doob!

Eifachfilm Vacirca: There are better things to think about

Maan Nacht: DOOB loves SaveMe, everybody knows

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Maan i dont know you, its good you know me better than i do myself

Lorin Tone: Every single person that SaveMe mentioned, I have worked with and respected.

Maan Nacht: No but everybody knows you love her, I saw you 1000 times working together

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I have no idea who you are Maan

Roxy Gellar: That person is sick and deserves no mention

Eifachfilm Vacirca: but i guess i need to add you on my mute list

Maan Nacht: But I know you, you are a SaveMe lover

Eifachfilm Vacirca: You try to lie about me

Maan Nacht: I even saw you in her movies

Roxy Gellar: This not the place for such a discussion people

Maan Nacht: Maybe you are her biggest fan

Eifachfilm Vacirca: Ok you are muted, be well

Lorin Tone: Perhaps LEA simply got trolled to death

Maan Nacht: seems I said something true

Wrennoir Cerise: In my opinion, this is very sad news. Nothing to celebrate

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I think its healthy

Maan Nacht: LEA was already a long time sad news by miss management

Peet Auer: I have made many videos of SafeMe and I respect her too. But there are limits, and these are constantly crossed by her! That’s too bad!

Maan Nacht: Your videos of SaveMe are the only good ones, Peetie, those are real art

Peet Auer: Yes i know and thanks … but limits to cross thats is to much !!

Riannah Avora: Maan, were you ever a curator at LEA yourself? If you weren’t, then you really don’t know what all they do and go through.

Maan Nacht: They should have asked me as I do love art

Bavid Dailey: Please ignore SaveMe Oh as the obnoxious troll that she is

Maan Nacht: DIdn’t they ask you to be the boss of the committee, Bavid? As the one best qualified for the job?

Bavid Dailey: No way Maan. Nobody who know me would think of that

Mario2 Helstein: The SaveMe gold mine is over, you have to find another victim for your blog or close it

Maan Nacht: I wont be a volunteer. She was also responsible for the closing of CARP, Pirats, UWA etc, etc.

Bavid Dailey: SaveMe didn;t close LEA; she just moaned a lot when she was banned, and bad mouthed artists who were there

Maan Nacht: I thought you were a close friend of her, Bavid? I see all the time pics of her and you on FB.

Bavid Dailey: You a troll too Maan? I derendered SaveMe a long time ago

Maan Nacht: Then she must have a crush on you, I saw you dance next to her a lot. You are the one with the red hair, not?

Bavid Dailey: I do have red hair, but don’t see SaveMe. She may choose to dance near me, if so its wasted effort – as I never see her

Maan Nacht: Better don’t tell her, will hurt her feelings

Solo Mornington

Solo Mornington: Pretty sure she doesn’t have any.

Fennet: She bad mouthed me on the internet before i ever met her.

Bavid Dailey: SaveMe is quite aware what I think of her

Maan Nacht: You told us to ignore her Bavid, but you seem to have a crush on her

Bavid Dailey: you have had you explanation Maan, I feel no need to justify myself to you either

Fennet: Anyone who goes all over the web ripping apart the work of other artists she hasn’t even met is not worth the spittle I could shoot her

What happened to make them close it?

Solo Mornington: You’d have to ask them. I’d bet it’s fair to say LEA people are burned out.

Maan Nacht: Why you left, Solo? With you this wouldn’t have happened?

Solo Mornington: I left for a bunch of reasons that aren’t important. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maan Nacht: I loved how you trolled SaveMe Oh, Solo. Great action.

Fennet: How was that? that’s a story i want to hear. I think Solo defended me from the evil SaveMe, but i’m not sure……

Maan Nacht: He went with a giant object to her book release event, when I am correct informed

Fennet: Sounds good. Te baby blimp strategy

Maan Nacht: But you appeared again on her FB group, Solo. check this:

She must love you like she loves Bavid.

Solo Mornington: Maan, SaveMe Oh doesn’t love anything except attention.

Maan Nacht: Cute pic, btw, are you free?

Bavid Dailey: Which is why I suggest we all derender her

Maan Nacht: Now LEA is closing we need her more than ever, I fear.

Fennet: vulgarity does not equal art

Maan Nacht: Art is also not found in LEA, so vulgarity is already something

Solo Mornington: Maan, just can’t resist, can you?

Fennet: No, it was LaPiscean who defended me from SaveMe Oh, not Solo

Maan Nacht: I thought LaPiscean was a huge fan of SaveMe Oh too. They had events together

Fennet: If self-aggrandizement is the goal of life, SaveMe is the enlightened master

Bavid Dailey: Maan is probably an alt of SaveMe

Solo Mornington: Ya think?

Maan Nacht: Don’t flatter me

Bavid Dailey: An apologist at very least

Dixie Drumheller: Maan, could you please remove this annoying box you rezzed on LEA5, which spills out “LEA LICKING EVERY ASS” particles? thank you.

Maan Nacht: lol, really?

Fennet: Woah, what did i miss? So she’s the Isis of second life

Maan Nacht: Maybe a memorial service for LEA in LEA5? When Solo and Bavid would team up we would have a dream team.

Solo Mornington: Suppose you had a full time job, and that job was to manage a highly-politicized online community initiative. And suppose you did it for free.

Bavid Dailey: Just so Solo

Wither Fang: I saw that thread and thought, what is this person on about… then saw the picture and came to the senses that it’s just vulgar harassment and pure individual abuse and bullying… but I might not know the whole context about it all, so I just stay out of this.

We do have this problem that people use Lea as a place to set up home, though.

Fennet: Even the notion of highly politicized art in a game universe strikes me as ludicrous at best, SaveMe Oh didn’t, lol

Nabrej Aabye: i like work of Saveme Oh too

Fennet: i don’t know her work, but i think she’s a sh*t just for what she wrote about me, a total stranger

Nabrej Aabye: so is Lea will close ?

Solo Mornington: After the current round of exhibits

Rory Torrance: is it true they’re closing just because they cant find enough volunteers to administer it?

Maan Nacht: Bad managment

Nabrej Aabye: Is there an official article by Linden ?

Solo Mornington: not by LL, by LEA people.

Eupalinos Ugajin:

Maan Nacht: SaveMe Oh made LL fire the bunch, I assume

Rory Torrance: i have no idea what she’s talking about. that all sounds totally made up to me

Solo Mornington: SaveMe Oh is totally irrelevant. Completely unimportant. A person made of paper and now it’s time for me to eat lunch.

Nabrej Aabye: it is a committee who decide? Or linden labs ?

Solo Mornington: pretty sure it’s not LL. Time for lunch. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rory Torrance: from what i heard, LEA will close because they simply don’t have the volunteers any more. they’ve pretty much all burnt out and left.

Nabrej Aabye: what will be the lunch ?

Maan Nacht: I think he will eat the committee for lunch

PatriciaAnne Daviau

PatriciaAnne Daviau: You have been ejected from ‘LEA Art Sandbox’ by PatriciaAnne Daviau.

Maan Nacht: They need to expose their dictatorial manners till the bitter end

PatriciaAnne Daviau: When you are a jerk then yes we will ban/eject you just like every other region would do. If you think that is a dictatorial manner then that is your choice.

Are You The Holder Of The Core Grant?

Even when I am banned at a LEA โ€œeventโ€ every activity there needs the name SaveMe Oh in chat, otherwise people will fall asleep. Not long after Tansee, Mandel Solano and Ultralight Alter started an extremely boring particle fart reunion SaveMe Oh was mentioned. And so I told my number one fan, Ampel Goosson to share the following lines in chat there to make it at least a dramatic event.

SaveMe Oh: Tell those suckers it’s extremely boring until now. The age of aquarius out of a elderly sanctuary. And give Solo Mornington a kiss.

Apmel Goosson: I have principles!!


And then a lively chatsession went off while no-one was paying attention anymore to the wallpaper provided by Mandel Solano and Ultralight Alter.

SaveMe Oh: Can you send Solo Mornington a kiss from me?

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I could also delete my account. I donโ€t touch poison

JMB Balogh: Ok Eif, what do you think you are doing? That’s disgusting. I am on the LEA committee

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I am older than LEA

JMB Balogh: What has that got to do with anything?

Eifachfilm Vacirca: I made the law lol

JMB Balogh: No one wanders around the sims, stop being a jackass

Eifachfilm Vacirca: What is a jackass?

JMB Balogh: Are you the holder of the core grant?

Eifachfilm Vacirca: No


SaveMe Oh: Hey Tyrehl, are you busy as parked LEA avatar, never mind

Tyrehl Byk: Why?

SaveMe Oh: I see you standing there as a sad black piece of crowshit. Could almost feel the pain. Must be hard to have to witness Mandel Solano’s amateurism together with the musak of Ultralight Alter, poor thing

Tyrehl Byk: Mostly I was just there to listen.

SaveMe Oh: Hope you woke up for the 5 minutes of SaveMe Oh exitement

Tyrehl Byk: I was able to catch up with a few old aquantences during that time tool. Mostly was interested in music and conversation…wasn’t much for the visuals today.

SaveMe Oh: The visuals were extremely poor, a pity they have banned me, I could have helped them out


Roxy Gellar: I am banned from the region

Fiona Leitner: So what now?

Roxy Gellar: That’s what I’d like to know

Fiona Leitner: we can’t unban you

Roxy Gellar: Why not? Who owns the estate?Who’s the estate manager?

Petitefleur: LaPiscean Liberty

Betty Tureaud: Mandel Solano

Mario2 Helstein: You are a traitor

Roxy Gellar:This is bullshit

Mario2 Helstein: You only dedicate yourself to sucking your cock, the rest does not matter, I thought you were different. I thought you were smarter

Roxy Gellar: I was banned from Ultra’s performance and apparently all of LEA. Fuck you Mandel and Mario. I have done nothing but work very hard for the music community. And spent hundreds of thousands of Lindens in support. Fuck you hard in the ass until you hemorrhage and die.

Mario2 Helstein: Never betrayals to who supports you. I’m not saying it for me

Roxy Gellar: My future events, should my account survive will be invitation only

SaveMe Oh: I will always be there for you Roxy, no matter how often we are banned

Apmel Goosson: awwww..friends for life

Lisbeth Salamander: I could cry ๐Ÿ™‚

Apmel Goosson: Crying is the best of SaveMe

Glasz DeCuir: Dont arrive drunk home please SaveMe and Roxy!

The New Fucker On The Block

A good junta always succeed to put new motherfuckers on the chairs of the cowards who left in silence when they realise they contributed to a fascist regime. Solo Mornington, LaPiscean Liberty and others all left in silence to be replaced by bigger assholes with even less scruples. The ones who donโ€™t ask questions but just pull the trigger. New stars like Secret Rage and JMB Balogh, secretly instructed by PatriciaAnne Daviau, who showed in an earlier post about LEA she is a big Donald Trump supporter.

Of course these string puppets can hold their position by frequent ass licking of the prim gluers who want to have a permanent free LEA sim like Betty Tureaud, Art Blue, Mandel Solano, Venus Adored and Medora Chevalier. They canโ€™t have their frequent hippie parties without the help of these LEA committee dummies.

And why should an avatar be banned? Everybody can mute or derender this avatar if they donโ€™t want to see her or her performances? The answer is that she generates such an attention that the dictatorship is losing itโ€™s influences on the processes as they planned it. On their terms and their conditions, as they donโ€™t want to lose the privileges granted to them by the almighty Linden.

The fact that my brother Lemondo Oh offered me his LEA sim last November for a month freaked the hell out of the LEA NSA and they apparently decided this should never happen again. I found out when my friends Jo Williams and Mario Hellstein wanted to allow me on their LEA sims as they always do (those 2 also lick LEA asses to get their yearly free LEA sim).

Jo Williams: Aloha, test something for me plz ?:)

(and she send me a TP to see if I could enter her LEA sim)(Of course the border was highly secured as PatriciaAnne Daviau listen well to her role model Donald Trump how to build high walls)

SaveMe Oh: Banned from the region still, do your best.

Jo Williams: You tried the TP?

SaveMe Oh: Yes. You have to contact the dictators again.

Jo Williams: Hmm, they removed the option to allow you 1/1/17 apparently . . I told them you were cool on lea20 last year. . still no . . i said ” Oh ”

SaveMe Oh: Kill the fascists!

Jo Williams: Not before supper.

SaveMe Oh: But in time for the last supper.

Jo Williams: Did you fuck with someone here, last year? ย (in their opinion)

SaveMe Oh: They ban me from all regions as default, after simowners have to request my presence again every new round

Jo Williams: Until now ..ย  they have removed that option.

SaveMe Oh: When you request it directly to them?

Jo Williams: Now, yes. To the one in charge of my sim.

SaveMe Oh: Who is your boss this time?

Jo Williams: Hmm, a new one, I will check with PatriciaAnne Daviau when she comes online.

SaveMe Oh: Which new one, you coward?

Jo Williams: Haha, ooh provocative . .:))

SaveMe Oh: Are you so afraid of them? That they might take back your pathetic sim?

Jo Williams: Hehehe – i am not afraid in rl of people either haha, and take it back, they can- Mario will still have his ahah.

SaveMe Oh: Then why you are afraid to tell who is your boss this time?

Jo Williams: Wait. I am making a notecard.

SaveMe Oh: Did they request an omerta?

Jo Williams: ometra – wtf is that?

SaveMe Oh: Oath of silence

Jo Williams: Wait. I am making a notecard. O;o gawd, you’re impatient.

SaveMe Oh: Every victim is impatient.

Then the evidence arrived in a notecard:

Jo Williams: Hello, sorry to interrupt, but can you arrange for SaveMe Oh to be allowed on LEA20 please ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you

JMB Balogh: No sorry, she is permanently banned from LEA sims.

Jo Williams: Who has the authority?:) Last year the ban was lifted . . the blog said ”on request” ?:)

JMB Balogh: No the ban has not been lifted.

Jo Williams: Last year she was permitted onto LEA 20

JMB Balogh: I’m sorry Jo but as of January 1st 2017 she is permabanned on all LEA sims. No exceptions.

Jo Williams: Oh!

Time for a visit to some of the LEA sims to wish the LEA lickers a prim glueing 2017 with lots of happy ass licking.



With Venus Adored


With Art Blue

Art Blue: Hello. What I read here is posted without knowing the facts. Every LEAย  grant holder can unban SaveMe Oh. Also a fact is which I have proof on many occasions that SaveMe Oh as soon as she is unbanned comes to this sim on Grand Openings and takes over the planned performances to make them to her own. SaveMe Oh calls it to contribute, but you can see this just a SPAMing with her particles and then she blogs it how long it took until she gots ejected

PatriciaAnne Daviau: Yes the committee has made the decision to perma ban SaveMe Oh from all LEA regions effective 1/1/2017.

Art Blue: I need glasses obviously SaveMe Oh did another step forward to get this now

PatriciaAnne Daviau: Just as JM stated

Cupido Oh: No, Art, you did a step forward in your support of a dictatorship

PatriciaAnne Daviau: and for the record I do not support Trump nor will I ever support him


Frighten The Dinosaurs

The only person who doesn’t lick the ass of Solo Mornington and invites me for all his events in his LEA 20 sim is Mario Helstein. Prime licker Mandel Solano aka Solo’s doggie was furious and turned green when I glorious shared the stage with Mario Helstein and Jo Williams to give together with them a smashing performance.



SaveMe Oh: Shut up Mandel, we are busy

Mandel Solano shouts: BLOCK SaveMe, so she do not destroy Marios show

SaveMe Oh shouts: Mario invited me, stupid. Mario is not your narrow-minded type, Mandel. Why you think he is the only one inviting me to a LEA sim?




Mandel Solano: Remove Save from LEA20

SaveMe Oh: Pity there are awesome people and on the other hand Mandel Solano

Venus Adored: compliments Mario

Mario Helstein: ty

Mandel Solano: best show ever mario:)) the start was very nice

SaveMe Oh: Mandel, dont you have to clean up your sim?

Mario Helstein: Mandel is my friend

SaveMe Oh: Then watch your back

Jo Williams: I watch his back heheh ๐Ÿ™‚

SaveMe Oh: you better do, Jo. Coucou Iono

Iono Allen: Coucou? I feel I’m not in the right place…. is it really you Save?

SaveMe Oh: Dont you always find me in LEA

Iono Allen: Ah well, with you everything is possible


SaveMe Oh: The core LEA ass lickers already have left. I guess they have to clean out their sim before the end of the month

Iono Allen: Ah maybe yes

SaveMe Oh: Otherwise they might have to lick Solo Mornington another time as punishment

Mario Helstein: SaveMe is Solo Mornington

Jo Williams: funny Mario

Mario Helstein: all is posible

SaveMe Oh: Exploding Solano’s?

Jo Williams: mm, i think he left

SaveMe Oh: Ah, what a pity

Jo Williams: Unusual he did not say hi ..

SaveMe Oh: And dont tell me he took his slave Venus with him?

Jo Williams: pppff hahahah i don’t see it quite that way . .

SaveMe Oh: Maybe they are particle farting somewhere in privat

SaveMe Oh: If they only would have this at SL13B they would eat their heart out

Jo Williams: They don’t know of Mario. .we do not promote like most people do .. heyyy that was a compliment :)))

SaveMe Oh: I promote myself like hell, but in my case they refuse to listen

Jo Williams: haha – they think you would frighten the noobs. . which you may . . haha

SaveMe Oh: No, I only frighten the dinosaurs, they are afraid for extinction
