The Tragedy Of King Lea

(free after William Shakespeare)


To celebrate the Swedish release of the IBook with my artwork, written by Glasz DeCuir and translated by Kandinsky Beaumont we set up a party in the gallery of Josef K. who was also responsible for the introduction in the book.

And half an hour before I was starting my performance there was an unexpected guest already hiding in the gallery. What was he up to???? Was it the prince of Denmark or was it King LEA himself?

SaveMe Oh: Solo Mornington is early

Josef K: Hahaha yes I see him too now. I wonder if he will come down even. You think his heart will survive your Je Suis Vierge installation?

SaveMe Oh: I hope he won’t rape me 72 times


Josef K: I am camming him now. He is in the Sina Souza room

SaveMe Oh: Camming from there for sure so he can’t be catched on photo in front of my work

Josef K: Your work is on the floor just above him

SaveMe Oh: He is afraid I would catch him. By far the biggest idiot of SL.

Josef K:  We are celebrating the new book about SaveMe Oh

Solo Mornington: Yay book! Too bad it’s about shitty art.

Larkworthy Antfarm: What’s happening under that pile of books?

SaveMe Oh: I think Solo Mornington has prepared an introduction

Apmel Meerson: Omg  A SPEACH!!

Solo Mornington: By all means continue.

And then to everybody’s surprise Solo Mornington attached a giant object covering the complete platform. Was he finally ready to participate and interact?


SaveMe Oh: Did you glue that yourself Solo?

Solo Mornington: Not sure if you’re aware of this, but sl doesn’t use ‘glue.’

Larkworthy Antfarm: OMG is he planning to burn them?

Apmel Meerson: I didn’t know Solo belonged to the SaveMe church

Solo Mornington: I invented it. SaveMe Oh stole all my ideas.

SaveMe Oh: I am so happy with the intervention of Solo Mornington.

Apmel Meerson: Haha

Solo Mornington: I thought it was appropriate.

SaveMe Oh: Very

Solo Mornington: To show up on and shit on you. Because I support art in sL.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Pretty bland stuff Morny!  You can do better.

SaveMe Oh: Now I can sign the books in peace when you do the visuals. Only one thing…don’t kiss Kandi.

Solo Mornington: Why?

Ori: “Would you sign my ass instead?”

SaveMe Oh: You might turn into a frog

Solo Mornington: ahh.

Ori: quaacks

Apmel Meerson: She only turns Solos to frogs though

Solo Mornington points to SaveMe Oh… Shh don’t say bland. You are blinded by my brilliance.

SaveMe Oh: I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Ampel will have a bad time tagging

Apmel Meerson: I can’t see myself wank

SaveMe Oh: Don’t wank by coincidence in Solo’s face, he might be allergic for dust

Solo Mornington: That’s because you didn’t know you were a fascist.

Josef K: Solo … why are you griefing my event … as far as I know I have never bothered you?

Apmel Meerson: I refuse to derender anyone.. how do I do that btw?

SaveMe Oh: Let him, he doesn’t have anything else to do.

Solo Mornington: Ahh, so it’s less delightful now, and you feel the need to insult me. Imagine that.

Larkworthy Antfarm: We are not dealing with an emotionally healthy person.

Solo Mornington: SMO, correct. Oo.. the silence falls. the laughter stops.

Josef K: I don’t get it Solo … I visit LEA from time to time and don’t destroy it for others … and you come to my gallery and sabotage the release of a book I have been a co-writer on.


Solo Mornington: The joke has ended….

Ori scans foe mentally healthy people

Solo Mornington: Josef…. it’s not personal.

SaveMe Oh: People must be enjoying the show, Solo

Larkworthy Antfarm: I am referring to you Solo.  You do not want to go there.

Zola Zsun: I’m here.. but I am blind helllppp

Solo Mornington: But clearly, in the extensive research for your book… must have encountered the absolute fact that SaveMe Oh has done this to people.

Josef K: Well .. I find it hard to believe that the leader of LEA acts that way .. not very professional

Solo Mornington: Right, SaveMe Oh is allowed, I am not.

Larkworthy Antfarm: You compare this crap you laid to art Save has created?

Solo Mornington: Yes. Absolutely.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Now that is amusing.

Bethany Fire: checks and agrees with herself and I that she’s mentally sane xx

Josef K: SaveMe Oh is invited to perform. You and me can do a performance any other time

Solo Mornington: Indeed she is, and she can.

Ori: SaveMe Oh is here?

Solo Mornington: No, this is just the moment for me to perform.

SaveMe Oh: I’m hiding downstairs

Solo Mornington: Find out if I am disturbing the performance from the artist.

Apmel Meerson: I’m trying to find her so I can at least tag the artist

Larkworthy Antfarm: Aren’t you afraid your dazzling artwork will set off one of your seizures, Solo?

Solo Mornington: It will be a glorious 10 minutes of bliss.

Josef K: Still Solo .. you are here as a guest in my gallery … SaveMe Oh is here as the performer

Solo Mornington: Indeed I am a guest, and I appreciate it. I really do.

Josef K: I suddenly lost all my respect for LEA

Apmel Meerson: Let them fight it out Josef..I think SaveMe will win

SaveMe Oh: I told you….

Ori: What is LEA?

SaveMe Oh: Licking Every Ass

Solo Mornington: I’m not here on behalf of LEA.

Larkworthy Antfarm: White bread white bread

Josef K: It’s the art sims run by Second Life and Solo is the boss

Bethany Fire: Linden endowment for the arts xxx

SaveMe Oh: And the ass to be licked hangs on the bottom of Solo Mornington.

Or: Hahahhaha

Zola Zsun: lol

Solo Mornington: I’m here on behalf of the people SaveMe Oh has driven from SL through years-long campaigns of harassment.


SaveMe Oh: When you lick well you get a free sim

Ori: Indeed, lick

Zola Zsun: What about hallucinations?

SaveMe Oh: When you lick better you are allowed to stay forever there free. Bryn Licks very well.

Apmel Meerson: I never got one..I must have licked the wrong ass

Josef K: But he isn’t acting much like a responsible leader at the moment

Solo Mornington: It’s true, I’m not. but then some folks think I’m not a very good leader anyway. But you know, SaveMe Oh herself said she was delighted I was here. So until she asks nicely, this will continue.

Josef K: From a PR point of view this is good for my gallery … tomorrow lots of blogs will write about this .. good for me .. bad for LEA

Solo Mornington: Great.Good for you.

Zola Zsun: Nice tutu, Save 🙂

SaveMe Oh: Couldn’t be better.

Solo Mornington: PR for your misguided book about a serial harasser.

Larkworthy Antfarm: It calls into question the professionalism of LEA and the Lindens.

Josef K: Haha and you will get a lot of credit too SaveMe 🙂

Cat Shilova: I used derender …. Strangely this fog is gone.

SaveMe Oh whispers: Solo, you already downloaded the book?

Zola Zhun: Me too, Cat .. Hi Cat 🙂

Solo Mornington: Just derender and pretend. Pretend in a pretend world. Delude yourself in a world of delusion.

Larkworthy Antfarm: To think that Lindens allow individuals with known issues to run their artist sims.

Zola Zsun: Which is the pretend world? Here or out there? 🙂

Solo Mornington: Known issues like what? Thinking you’re full of shit? Or is being full of shit your act?

Larkworthy Antfarm: You cannot hide the truth from everyone Solo.

Cat Shilova: Ah, next step is MUTING.

Solo Mornington: Is me being angry an act?

Josef K: Do derender the leader of LEA in order to enjoy the magic of SaveMe Oh …

SaveMe Oh: Reflect Solo, is healthy for you

Solo Mornington: Ask nicely and I’ll leave.

SaveMe Oh: You waited long enough for this

Solo Mornington: Can’t do it though, because ‘nice’ isn’t part of the deal. The persona doesn’t allow it. How constricting.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Mental issues.  Known mental issues.

Solo Mornington: Such as what?

SaveMe Oh: I have something for you Solo

Solo Mornington: Abuse. In the name of art is not art.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Ask your fellow LEA members.  I have.

Glasz DeCuir: Looks great the fog, more mystery to the intense chat text 🙂

SaveMe Oh: There are no other LEA members, he is the only one.

Solo Mornington: You’ll note that I bring all the interest here.

Glasz DeCuir: Solo read the eBook and we speak on a public debate about that concept

Zola Zsun: Oh I am enjoying the melodrama entertainment myself. 🙂

Josef K: shouts: Dear visitors … if all you see is a white fog it’s due to the griefing of Solo Mornington, the headmaster of LEA – Second Life’s official art sims. Do derender him in order to enjoy the performance by SaveMe Oh

SaveMe Oh: He finally found his true identity and dares to show it.

Zola Zsun: Oh I got rid of the fog soon as I got here 🙂

Solo Mornington: Yah, so whatever SaveMe Oh is doing, just ignore it. The fog is better. Just ask Glasz. No, my true identity is complex and varied, just like everyone. SaveMe Oh is as much a lie as this outburst.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Put on your shrinking caps folks.  Diagnose LEAs idea of a responsible art committee member. Shake some screws loose.

SaveMe Oh: I have something else for you Solo.

Solo Mornington: Lark, consider that SaveMe Oh says she’s delighted by this intervention. I am supporting art in SL.

Glasz DeCuir: Solo wants to be an artist 🙂

Josef K: This is an epic event … Officials from Second Life management is trying to sabotage it .. that has never happened before 🙂

Solo Mornington: I’m not from SL management.

SaveMe Oh: Licking management he is.

Zola Zsun shouts: How Exciting!

Solo Mornington: Just get that straight.

Josef K: We are making history

Solo Mornington: See how exciting I make your event, SaveMe Oh? By ruining it?

Apmel Meerson: Is someone filming?

SaveMe Oh: Ruining???? I love contributions.

Solo Mornington: According to Josef I’m a griefer right now.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Hands up don’t shoot!!  Artists lives matter!

Tizzy Canucci: Not filming, but I’ve got a hard drive nearly full of shots…

Josef K: shouts: Soon I will be as famous as SaveMe Oh because Solo Mornington is attacking my event 😀

Zola Zsun: Solo, It is a pleasure to meet you, I have heard many things about you

Solo Mornington: All good I hope, Zola. well met. I mean, for real, not this bullshit griefer mode thing.

Zola Zsun: Oh is there a bullshit griefer here?

Solo Mornington: Yah me. 🙂 But it’s ART. And stuff.

Solo Mornington:

Glasz DeCuir: Feel free to express yourself Solo!

Zola Zsun: Which is yours Solo and which is Save’s?

Solo Mornington: Yah it’s hard to tell isn’t it?

Josef K shouts: the ugly ones is Solo’s

Zola Zsun: So we can make an informed choice in our derendering

Solo Mornington: And that’s the beauty of it.

Apmel Meerson: This certainly is freeing me from tagging photos.

Solo Mornington: SaveMe Oh harasses me for years. I show up and it’s the end of the world.

Zola Zsun: The fog? I see no fog I have derendered it

Solo Mornington: Ahh then you’ve figured out which is mine.

Apmel Meerson: I refuse to learn how to derender

Zola Zsun: Why Solo I am glad you are here… I am finding it a delight to be witness to real drama :))

Cat Shilova: You don’t have to learn, you just have to click

Tizzy Canucci: Work with it… more of a challenge… always

Solo Mornington: Yah as opposed to SaveMe Oh’s fake drama.

Cat Shilova: Solo, our new drama queen.

SaveMe Oh: I loved how he was waiting half an hour before the show to appear.

Zola Zsun: lol. Amateur

Larkworthy Antfarm: I derendered Solo’s asshole.  Now for the smell.

Solo Mornington: Hehe

Zola Zsun: hahahahah

Solo Mornington: You know, you get victimized and they cheer on the bully. You bully and they call you an asshole. Some people.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Don’t taz me bro!

Zola Zsun: Who is the bully … is always in the eyes of the beholder.

Solo Mornington: Art is supposed to be about the condition of being human. Attempting to destroy people without their consent is bad art.

SaveMe Oh: And LEA is now all unprotected???? OMG

Zola Zsun: OMG

Solo Mornington: No, who is the bully isn’t that hard to understand. If you have compassion. Or any basic humanity.

Ori: Where can you buy that?

Solo Mornington: That’s the unfortunate part.

Ori: Crap

Zola Zsun: No matter what.. our feelings come only from our own minds

Solo Mornington: You have to, like, make an effort and shit.

Ori: Can’t buy that huh?

Solo Mornington: No, our feelings come from a truth. people without feeling have no truth.

Apmel Meerson: “you have to, like, make an effort and shit.” wow..a classic to remember!

Ori: Writes it down

Zola Zsun: If one believes in an objective truth which is usually found only in mathematics

Ori: Yes, math is the only logical truth!!

Josef K: Shouldn’t we write a book about Solo … we could print in on toilet paper … and let the readers decide what to do with it

Zola Zsun: Oh noo.. Ebook is the way to go

Josef K: It’s hard to clean your ass with an eBook

Solo Mornington: No, there’s a truth to someone being cruel. You don’t have to accept or reject the hurt feelings of the victim to see the cruel intention.

Cat Shilova: How do you say shit in Swedish??

Apmel Meerson: Wow..I get sooo much good material to quote on my blog tomorrow!

Annie: hahahahaha

Zola Zsun: Solo, you seem to be upset.. it’s ok.. everything will be ok

Larkworthy Antfarm: It is all about Solo.  All of LEA is about Solo.  All of Second Life.  He thrives on his love/hate relationship with Save.

Josef K: Shit in Swedish is ‘skit’

Apmel Meerson: Haha Josef..true

Glasz DeCuir: A love story …

Cat Shilova: Ah thanks Josef!

Solo Mornington: Hehe skit based comedy.

Zola Zsun: Skit in English is a short play 🙂

Larkworthy Antfarm: Scat

Zola Zsun: lol

Josef K: In Danish we just call it ‘lort’

Zola Zsun: I like that one.. lort.. good word

Solo Mornington: I’m here as an intervention for all you fine folks who think it’s clever to glue some prims together and wear them.

Apmel Meerson: Lort is the nice way of saying shit in Swedish

Larkworthy Antfarm: Solo sniffs Save’s scat like a lovesick dog.

Zola Zsun:Well.. I hope you are enjoying yourself as much as I am 🙂

SaveMe Oh: I am so glad you now help me out Solo. After all the years I had to do everything alone.

Simotron Aquila: hello :))

Solo Mornington: Like I said: I’m here to support art in SL.

Apmel Meerson: Hello Simo..nice timing..right in the skitprat

Simotron Aquila: 🙂

Zola Zsun: A noble cause.. in theory

Solo Mornington: Unfortunately the art I’m supporting is based on harassment and bullying.

Apmel Meerson: This event is getting closer and closer to my liking

Solo Mornington: Glad I could pull it out of the fire for you, apmel.

SaveMe Oh: Isn’t it lovely? Who could imagine he was still alive?

Zola Zsun: Delightfully lovely, Save

Apmel Meerson: Never knew you were a gifted comedian Solo

Cat Shilova: Your love only keeps him alive

Zola Zsun: All you need is love 🙂

SaveMe Oh: That’s why I am SaveMe. Empathy for all

Josef K shouts: For any newcomers: Just derender the leader of the Second Life LEA sim: Solo Mornington … then you can enjoy SaveMe Oh without his griefing

Solo Mornington shouts: Because, as you know, it’s important to ALWAYS DERENDER ART.

Zola Zsun: Actually I think derendering might bring more peace in the sl art world.. a world I usually stay away from 🙂 Perhaps I would visit it more often

Apmel Meerson: I refuse to derender..but maybe whoever film this might be helped by it

Solo Mornington: If they’re filming what’s happening here and they derender me, then they’re liars.

SaveMe Oh: Depends what you want to film. If you want to film an endless ass licking fart you shouldn’t derender

Zola Zsun: Right, Save, we all make our own choices

Larkworthy Antfarm: It is like watching a turd floating in a glass of milk.

Solo Mornington: Mmm… turdmilk.

Mandel Solano shouts: Hi you having fun here???

SaveMe Oh: Is that a question?

Solo Mornington shouts: yah, I’m participating in the performance.

Apmel Meerson: It is a Solo performance

Cat Shilova: We LOVE drama!

Mandel Solano: oh hehe

Simotron Aquila: 🙂

SaveMe Oh: Drama is highest level of art

Zola Zsun: Indeed

Solo Mornington: Nope. Disagree.

Zola Zsun: and life would be so boring without it

Larkworthy Antfarm: Like a bad John Waters’ movie!

Glasz DeCuir: This is another Masterpiece :))

Zola Zsun: Which are the BEST

Solo Mornington: Yes, mine. I claim it.

SaveMe Oh: The claim is yours, Solo! You deserve it 100%

Solo Mornington: All of SaveMe Oh’s work, I claim as my masterpiece, because it’s impossible for her work to exist without victims.

SaveMe Oh: You have a tipjar?

Apmel Meerson: Hahahahahahahaaa

Glasz DeCuir: :)))

Zola Zsun: lol

Larkworthy Antfarm: Oh snap!

Solo Mornington: I have a large surface area. Surely you can find a place to right-click. 🙂

SaveMe Oh: Your surface area we know. It’s at the bottom of your back

Solo Mornington: Josef, is it still objectionable? 🙂 Does your fear of my anger still prevent you from enjoying this? I ask because it’s your place.

Larkworthy Antfarm: Did he really talk to us in comic book villain dialect??

Marie: Don’t fight too much folks, events are for having fun, make love not war

Larkworthy Antfarm: Betty, even through the fog, you shine pink!  LOL.

SaveMe Oh: Maybe Betty uses her Solo Teflon pack?

Solo Mornington: For a bunch of people who love drama, you sure do get quiet. I stop, the party stops.

SaveMe Oh: Otherwise the blogpost gets too long

Zola Zsun: People are tired of entertaining you, Solo.. that is all.. now we have fun.. you try to do the same 🙂

SaveMe Oh: Hope he will also invite me to LEA now

Solo Mornington: I sold you a sim. You had no idea how to respond.

SaveMe Oh: Tell them Solo, we can’t wait for your stories

Dido Haas: Yes tell us Solo, all ears.

Solo Mornington: See? 10x more interesting.

Solo Mornington: And then somehow, SaveMe Oh ended up making a video where her avatar rapes my avatar.

SaveMe Oh: You have the link?

Josef K: Sure that wasn’t a wet dream, Solo?

Solo Mornington: Those were the days, when grudges were forged.

SaveMe Oh: Solo could you make an advertisement for my book?

Solo Mornington: Yes: here’s your blurb: “SaveMe Oh delights in harassing people, and asks us to explore this harassment as if it were somehow positive.” …another paragraph or two…..

“…to mask her own psychopathic tendencies.” —Solo Mornington

Josef K: Kind of funny … I have been in sl for 4 years by now … the first griefer I see is the headmaster of LEA

Marie: don’t fight so much, guys !!!

Solo Mornington: Why not Marie? Does it make you uncomfortable?

Josef K: Drama is the blood of second life

Marie: because it is boring for me, .)) I prefer having fun in other way

Solo Mornington: Josef, if you’ve spent any time with SaveMe Oh, you know that’s not true.

Marie: I hate drama .)

Solo Mornington: I happen to have an actual beef here. Rather than just drama.

Solo Mornington:

Zola Zsun: drama is what makes us human

Cat Shilova: Who fights??

Dido Haas: Not me Cat

Marie: But life has enough drama for itself, so silly to want a bit more.))

Josef K: Solo … I have actually had a lot of respect for the LEA sims. Tonight you made me loose that respect all together

Solo Mornington: Josef, if you asked nicely at any time, I would have quit.

Dido Haas: hard words Josef

Solo Mornington: If you or SaveMe Oh ask me to stop, I will.

Zola Zsun: Is it time for the next act of the drama? This one is getting long

Glasz DeCuir: NO,please, go on! 🙂

Solo Mornington: Zola, try years of harassment from SaveMe Oh.

SaveMe Oh: Stop???? Finally somebody joining in?

Dido Haas: Agrees

Josef K: Solo … I don’t believe in censorship or banning … I judge by behaviour.

Solo Mornington: Then how can you lose respect for artists at LEA?

Zola Zsun: Oh SaveMe has been harassing me for years and years…

Larkworthy Antfarm: This man is out of control.

Josef K: Oh I still respect the artists … but now I despite the concept

Larkworthy Antfarm: LEA members have said so publically.

Zola Zsun: Will you stop please, Solo?

Solo Mornington: Josef, should I honor the request from Zola?

Zola Zsun LEA Seemed to rather homogenize.. the art stuff in here anyway

Cat Shilova: Who is Solo??

Josef K: Solo you are a grown man, you make your own decisions

Solo Mornington: Ok, then I will.

Cat Shilova: Not sure for “grown”

Solo Mornington: Now any griefy objects you see are your own.

Solo Mornington: 🙂

Apmel Meerson: Wow now I see art

Solo Mornington: Ossum. Too bad it’s about SaveMe Oh. Seriously, good luck with the book and the event.

SaveMe Oh: Seriously I don’t like you

Zola Zsun: hahahaha

Solo Mornington: Fucking hell. Some HONESTY. Finally! Go with that. Your art will improve.

Zola Zsun: Oh wow.. spinning Lenins. Fabulous. Hilarious

Josef K: That’s the difference between Solo and SaveMe … SaveMe is always improving

Solo Mornington: nice. 🙂

ush Underwood: Fog

SaveMe Oh: Don’t be hard on him, he just started today as a performer

Zola Zsun: Well it really comes down to Save’s brilliant ability to provoke emotion

ush Underwood: ok

Zola Zsun: Is that good art? Yes!

Solo Mornington: Terrorists provoke emotion. That’s why they’re called ‘terrorists.’ Griefers provoke emotion. that’s why they’re called ‘griefers.’

Solo Mornington: And now… you’re rid of me. 🙂

Josef K: Griefing is a concept by which we measure creativity

SaveMe0h: Where is Solo tipjar?

Zola Zsun: Poor Solo, he seems so unhappy.

Apmel Meerson: I have zero lindens on this alt..pity I cannot tip Solo

SaveMe Oh: Stay some more Solo

Larkworthy Antfarm: where is his tip jar? His coin slot?

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